Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Mirror, mirror!

Harley didn't think his symmetrical self-portrait was very good until he had finished it.  He looked closely at the details in the picture he was given of half of his face, and copied it carefully to draw his whole head.  This is a lovely piece of work, Harley!

Scientific superstar!

Sam has shown what a scientific genius he is.  In this table he has not only recorded his predictions for what might happen in different circuits, but he has given detailed reasons using scientific language.  I am very impressed, Sam.  Well done you!

Happy Christmas!

Roxy's mum is going to be delighted with the beautiful Christmas card Roxy has made for her.  She listened carefully for all the sounds in the words she wanted to write, and made the card all by herself.  What a lovely thing to do!

Once upon a World War ...

We are super-impressed by Max's story-telling!  He has used some beautifully descriptive narrative language to describe and develop the outline of a World War II story.  What a gripping story, Max!

Friday, 8 December 2017

The Menorah

Here are two people who have been listening very carefully to the story about the Jewish Menorah.  Rhys and Ebony have written very detailed explanations about the battle between the Greeks and the Maccabeans and can talk about what happened.   Well done, folks!

Monday, 4 December 2017

More and more!

Over the last two weeks, Riley has been practising and practising recognising, reading and writing the names of 2-D shapes.  Before he knew three, and now he knows an amazing ELEVEN!!  Great work, superstar!

The Tiger Who Came to Tea

Not only did these people have a wonderful time at the theatre watching 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea', but they have also written about their visit, listening really carefully for all the sounds in the words they wanted to write.  Super listening and super writing - well done folks!

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

The voice of an angel!

I can't wait to see Woodpeckers and Hedgehogs Christmas play next week because apparently Nancy and Tayler sing beautifully in it.  They have been trying hard to learn the words of the songs and are performing them fantastically.  I think we are all in for a treat!

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

What a difference!

Here is our new shape master!  In just two weeks, Bailee has learned to recognise eleven 2-D shapes, and can read and write their names, too.  He is very proud of his hard work and what he has achieved - and so are we!  Well done, Bailee!

Life during the Blitz

Charlie has amazed us all with his fantastic writing about the Blitz.  Nor only has he remembered lots of details about what it would have been like in an air raid, he has listened really carefully for the sounds in the words he wants to write so that he can read what he has written - all by himself!  You superstar, Charlie!

Friday, 24 November 2017

WWII interview

In this script for an interview, Ollie has shown how much he has learned about women being employed during World War II.  Bob Booty asked Lexi, the worker in the gun factory, some really sensible questions to find out about her life.  Great work, Ollie!

Take cover!

What fantastic story writers we have here!  Sam, Matthew, Tobi, Ellie and Autumn have used some amazing vocabulary choices, including adjectives and adverbs to create suspense in their gripping Blitz stories.  Super writing, folks!


Not only has Ruby used her planning sheet carefully to write a detailed account of a night during the Blitz, she has also used some fabulous adverbs.  This is a really impressive piece of descriptive work, missus!  Well done you!

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Double superstar!

Joshua has been working very hard at school and at home.  We are really pleased that he knows his colours, his beautiful colouring and his stripes, and at home he has been helping Dad to make yummy burgers and chips!  What a superstar you are, Josh!

Monday, 13 November 2017


We have lost a lot of aliens and we are hoping you will be able to help us find them.  Coco, Rhys, Archie, Lily, Lewis, Luke, Harry, Blossom, Preston, Logan, Luke and Ethan have each made a poster to describe their missing alien using verbs to give you clues about where you might find them.  Well done, people!

Friday, 10 November 2017

Stick Man

Leo is very proud of his work, and so are we!  He has listened carefully to the story of Stick Man's adventures, and then listened carefully to the sounds he heard in the labels he wanted to write.  How amazing is he that he can write the first letter of each word?  What a superstar!

The best week of my life!

These information-packed diaries show how much Travis, James, Josh and Oscar enjoyed their week at Little Canada on the Isle of Wight.  They are beautifully presented pieces of work and reflect the huge amount of time and effort these boys put into them. Super, lads!

Wartime London

It took two lessons and lots of time and patience to produce these wartime silhouettes of London in wartime.  Luke, Lexi, Chloe and Sam are rightfully proud of the fantastic effect effects they have created in these works of art.  Superb art, folks!

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Breaking news ...

Meet our four newest roving reporters!  Marcy, Darcie, Megan and Gracie's iMovie interviews with Neville Chamberlain and Adolf Hitler are carefully and cleverly edited so that you think you really are watching the BBC.  Check out their report on their class blog!  Great work, girls!

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Anderson shelters

This is a beautiful representation of all that these ladies have been learning about life in wartime.  They used their original ideas and items from home to create this amazing model that they can talk about in great detail.  Fab work, Chloe and Louise!

A week to remember ...

Sam, Chloe and Ocean really enjoyed their week at Little Canada and it shows in these incredibly detailed diaries that they have written about their week.  They are beautifully presented and will be lovely souvenirs to keep for many years to come.  Well done!

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

The Way Back Home

These children have really enjoyed writing their own version of 'The Way back Home'.  Sam, Oscar, Oliver, Ellie, Benjamin, Florence, Ivy and Preston had to change the character, the setting and the conclusion to make a new story.  What great solutions they created!  Fabulous work, folks!

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Call the doctor

No wonder Reuben is looking so happy!  He is very proud of his amazing writing that tells the story of a poor unicorn and a poorly lion who were made better by a doctor.  He has listened really carefully for all the sounds in the words he wanted to write.  What a cleverclogs!

The changing of the seasons

Kaitlyn has been learning about the different seasons and you can tell from this picture that she understands how trees change in the autumn.  She can talk about the colour of trees in all the seasons - and enjoyed finger-printing the leaves!  Well done, Kaitlyn!

E is for ...

Here's a young lady who has impressed the socks off Mr Santy!  Holly's amazing acrostic poem does not only show how much she has learned about evacuees in World War II, but is written out in the most beautiful handwriting.  Superstar!

Friday, 6 October 2017

Carrot cookies

If you want someone to come round and cook you afternoon tea, these are your ladies.  Well, they would have been in World War II, anyway!  They have written an excellent and very clear set of instructions for making carrot cookies that they tell me are delicious.  Great instructions, girls!

Stranger Danger

Reuben, Max and Amelya know how to keep themselves safe when they are out and about.  They have each made a poster to warn their friends about not going with a stranger when they ask you to get in their car.  They know exactly what to do.  Super posters, folks!

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Keeping safe in the war

We are only three weeks into term and already Elle and Gabriel have learned an ENORMOUS amount about World War II.  They can tell you lots of ways people kept themselves safe and they have presented the information in these attractive leaflets.  Fabulous work!

Out of this world!

If you are wondering where to go on your holidays, you might want to read about these destinations.  Amelia, Niamh, Thomas, Reggie, Sian, Alice, Megan and Kaydon have used so many adjectives to describe their imaginary planets that you get a really clear picture in your mind of what it would be like there.  Super writing, folks!

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

What's in a name?

Emily, Rachel and Charlie have been writing acrostics using the letters of their name to start each line.  They have come up with some imaginative and original ideas, and have presented their work beautifully.  Super effort, folks!

Speaking from the War Office ...

Alfie's class has been learning about the outbreak of war and he has written an accurate speech as if he were Neville Chamberlain telling the country about the start of World War II.  He remembered to write in the first person and in the present tense, and he included details and interesting vocabulary.  Great work, Alfie!

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

One less than ...

We have a maths genius here!  When Ralphy was finding one less than numbers up to ten in class, he used cubes to help him - and he did them all by himself.  When he came to show me his work, he showed that he could do them in his head, and he can go further than 10 as well.  Super thinking, Ralphy!

Thursday, 14 September 2017

The Very Hungry Cain!

What an incredibly grown-up man we have here!  Cain has made an amazing start to Year 1 and is setting such a good example for the new Reception children.  He is a Special Achiever because of his fantastic counting of the fruit his class bought yesterday.  You are a superstar, Cain!

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Beach fun!

What a grown-up Year 1 Max is now!  He has listened really carefully for all the sounds he can hear in the words he wanted to write, and has written this fabulous sentence about his exciting holiday.  You superstar, Max!

Monday, 11 September 2017

Clarice or Phoebe?

I thought this was an original Clarice Cliff when Phoebe brought it to show me, but it turns out that this is an original Phoebe!  It is a beautifully neat piece of art that will have pride of place at home! Super work!

Yum yum!

After only three days at our school, Lillie-Grace and Isla are Special Achievers!  They have designed a very healthy meal and coloured their pictures beautifully.  Well done, ladies!

Friday, 8 September 2017

A healthy feast

Thomas knows all about healthy food and he has drawn a huge number of these on his plate.  We are also very impressed by the labels he has written and spelled so beautifully.  Great start to the year, Thomas!

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Home, sweet home

Saule certainly hasn't forgotten her letter sounds over the holidays.  She has drawn a super picture of her house and has written some beautifully spelled labels, including the trampoline in her garden! What a superstar!
STOP PRESS!!! Saule has been back to see me today.  The last time she wrote some labels they were backwards, but she has worked hard to solve that problem and now her writing is the right way round.  A Double Achiever - well done you!