Friday, 23 February 2018

Angles All Around

What a lot Max, Lexi, Elsa and Sammy know about angles!  These posters will teach you about different angles, all about degrees, protractors ... you have clearly worked hard and learned a lot.  Great effort!

The Beetles!

James has been practising using a very clever story-telling technique.  He has recorded a whole story in a few words and pictures and can now tell you all about the beetles' rain dance in great detail and using lots of descriptive phrases.  What a fabulous piece of work, James!

Down the Amazon

Holly has been on a journey down the Amazon and as written all about the river dolphin she saw there!  She has listened so carefully for the phonemes in the words she wanted to write and has included some really interesting facts.  Great writing, missus!


What a lot I didn't know about avalanches!  Ellis and Myah have created fact files to explain what they are, what to do if you are caught in one, and how to escape.  Sensible advice carefully and clearly presented - well done, folks!

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Back in the day

What mature and informative pieces of writing these folks have produced.  Sam, Alfie, Kevin, Sophie, Aimee, Sammy, Tiegan, Nicole, Evie, Lysander, Jack, Riley, Freddie and Daniel have written up their interviews with their grandparents including a huge amount of detail and information about life in the 50s and 60s.  What a lot we have all learned.  Super effort!

Thursday, 8 February 2018

I spy with my little eye

George and Ruby have been doing some amazing sounding out.  The birds in the picture can see New York landmarks, and these folks have listened carefully for the phonemes they needed to write their names.  Well done, you two!

One less

These three ladies have been using Numicon to help them work out 'one less' calculations.  Luna, Roxy and Bella have drawn the number they started with, crossed one out, and then counted how many were left.  Great number sentences to record what you had done!

Empire counting!

Not only has Zac cut out these Numicon windows really carefully, he can tell you that this picture of the Empire State Building has ten windows.  What a clever chap!

Monday, 5 February 2018

In a washing machine!

These folks have worked very hard over a number of days to write, edit and present their stories.  They have used adjectives and questions - and their work is BEAUTIFULLY written.  Well done to Rosie, Harrison, Lester, Freddie, Molly, Olly, Ffion, Nikola, Bethanne, Grace, Peter, Brandon, Raisya and Alexander!

Famous landmarks

Rheuben, Max, Summer and Poppy have been learning about American landmarks and drawing them on the iPads.  Can you spot the Brooklyn Bridge, the Statue of Liberty and a tall, tall skyscraper?  Lovely work, people!

Friday, 2 February 2018

A baboon and a balloon!

I have learned so much from this lady!  Ty has made a canopic jar for some lungs - who would have thought!  Fab instructions, marvellous modelling and a superb description.  You have amazed us again, missus!


They look innocent, don't they?  But actually Harry, Olivia and Amber are very interested in the gory side of mummification!  You don't even want to know what they did to the brains.  Fabulous posters, folks!