Friday, 29 June 2018

Dear Little Mix ...

Lexi has written a HUGE letter to Little Mix to ask about their favourite books and stories.  She included lots of detail and wrote far more than most of her classmates.  Fingers crossed they write back soon!

Musical keys!

Finley is our latest computing genius - with a musical twist!  Firstly, he was the quickest one to play a tune he had heard on YouTube, and then he was the only one to find out how to change the instrument that was playing the tune.  A real cross-curricular superstar!

Hard work pays off

We are most impressed with Amelie's maths scores.  In March she achieved 77 out of 110, but with hard work and lots of determination, she is now scoring a massive 97!  Super achievement, Amelie - well done you!

Thursday, 28 June 2018

Symmetrical flowers

Just take a look at these beautiful symmetrical pieces of artwork!  Poppy, Maya, Annalise, Stevie, Oscar and Thomas looked really carefully at their half-picture and had to draw and colour the other half to match.  Well done folks!

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Lost words

These poems are nothing less than stunning!  Harry, James, Xanthe, Blythe, Louise, Ocean, Chloe, Olivia and Gracie have been exploring words that are no longer included in the Oxford Junior Dictionary and have written beautiful poetry to celebrate their use.  A-ma-zing!

Monday, 11 June 2018

Design a castle

Poppy and Oscar have learned ever such a lot about castles and you can tell by all the details they have included in these castle designs.  You can see arrow slits, thick stone walls, a drawbridge, tall towers - and even a moat!  Well done, folks!

Friday, 8 June 2018

Birds of beauty

These beautiful works of art show an absolute determination to succeed.  Thomas, Kellen, Bradley and Blythe understood that they needed to pay close attention to detail and did so, taking their time, reviewing their work, and improving it as they went along.  Masterpieces!  Well done, folks!

Ringsfield Star!

The staff can't say enough positive things about Joshua's behaviour during the residential at Ringsfield Hall.  He was polite to adults and staff, kind and thoughtful, enthusiastic and engaged, and a really good friend to other children.  This is great news, Joshua!

You can't catch him out!

Here's a gentleman who has worked very hard to make sure he does really well in his times tables test each week.  He almost always gets them all correct - and there is no catching him out when you ask him random tables questions.  Most impressive, Harry!